USC Cinematic Arts

I have an abiding interest in speculative fiction and its influence over popular expectations around human-computer interaction. Equally fascinated by historical determinism, I am also a student of the cultural perceptions and behaviours that ground - or elevate - new product and service experiences. The emerging parity between digital and physical components in the contemporary urban environment is a brilliant expression of this intersection.

In the last decade, my work has been primarily in the digital domain with frequent, convergent cross-over into physical material and forms. Spanning the PC and mobile web, entertainment ecosystems, enterprise controls and commercial environments, this hybrid space between digital and physical is the cornerstone of my interest in smart infrastructures and the future of cites.

From cities to smartphones, the experience of technology is all about context. This is perhaps true of display technologies most of all.  We look through the display and move with the world…we look upon the display and the world moves with us. The transition between these two display-states - one 'outside-in' and the other 'inside-out' - is also a pivotal experience in the evolution of our perception, especially as the pixel count grows. Playing with the edges of this frame is playing with the envelope of interaction possibilities across physical and digital platforms: human perception of data-types and media content only expands from here.

The  goal of creating an elegant parity among the digital and physical affects of the urban environment is grounded in creating a blended expression of not only making ‘the new’ but of designing meaningful experiences for the connected world.

Some writings on the city:

‘Oblast Dreams’

‘Cities in the Digital Age’

‘The Temporary City’