Andy Nicholson has just completed working in London as the Production Designer on "Gravity," the Warner Brothers 3D space suspense film written and directed by Alfonso Cuaron. Gravity is a ground breaking venture, setting new standards for the integration of Visual Effects and Digital Technology, alongside traditional film design and technique. Over his career Andy has collaborated with many top Motion Picture Production Designers and Directors on projects as diverse as Band of Brothers,The Mummy, Sleepy Hollow, Spy Game, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,The Bourne Ultimatum, Sexy Beast, The Wolfman and Alice in Wonderland. Andy closely follows the development of technology and software, continually pushing the use of 3D modeling and CAD within film art departments and actively seeks to assimilate digital technology with traditional design workflows, integrating all disciplines that help to bring the written word to the screen.
"[Gravity is] absolutely pushing a new boundary in filmmaking, completely mindblowing. And the way they're making that movie will, I think, forever change certain types of productions"
- Guillermo Del Toro